A journall of my voiage into Holland to fetch the Prince of Orange the 7th of October 1670, supposedly by Sir Edward Turnor. 1670.


A journall of my voiage into Holland to fetch the Prince of Orange the 7th of October 1670, supposedly by Sir Edward Turnor. 1670.

Contains a diary of Sir Edward Turnor's voyage to Holland in October 1670 to fetch William Prince of Orange on a visit to London.

2 ff. conjoined, manuscript.

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Turnor, Edward, Sir, 1616 or 1617-1676

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6dz3frk (person)

William III, King of England, 1650-1702

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6th8s1f (person)

The letter was written before the Prince of Orange's ascension to the throne of England in 1689 along with his wife Mary, his first cousin whom he married in 1677. They served jointly on the English throne. He was born the Prince of Orange (the son of William II of Orange and Mary, Princess Royal of England) and at various times in his life also held titles as the Stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Guelders, and Overijssel. From the description of [Letter] 1678 juil. 26, Honsl...